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修訂版 44 和 46 的差異如下: (間隔 2 版)
2017-07-28 11:21:22 修訂第 44 版
大小: 7582
編輯者: keitheis
2017-12-28 20:30:53 修訂第 46 版
大小: 884
編輯者: m
這個顏色代表刪除的 這個顏色代表增加的
行號 1: 行號 1:
## page was renamed from Python/編輯器 import turtle
import random
行號 3: 行號 4:
給剛入門寫程式的新手:挑一個裝得起來的【微 IDE】吧!功能太少或太多都是學習的絆腳石。 def drawCircle(myTurtle, x,y, radius, color):
colors = ['red','yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'gray', 'pink']
行號 5: 行號 15:
== 跨平台 IDE/Editors 參考 == radii = [10,20,30,40,50,60]
行號 7: 行號 17:
=== 從編輯器可以長到 IDE === numCircles = int(input('Enter number of circles:'))
行號 9: 行號 19:
 * '''Emacs''', '''Vim''': ''"You knew it when you knew it"'' 上手門檻偏高,練到最後上手的話可以用到老的編輯器。
 * [[|Atom]] (by Github): ''"A hackable text editor for the 21st Century"''
 * [[|Sublime Text]]: ''"a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose"''
width = 500
height = 500
width2 = width//2
height2 = height//2
行號 13: 行號 25:
=== 微型 IDE === screen = turtle.Screen()
行號 15: 行號 28:
 * [[|Thonny, Python IDE for beginners]]: a new Python IDE meant for teaching/learning programming. 主打用來教或學程式。推薦給沒有程式經驗的新手。
 * [[|Pyzo]]: the Interactive Editor for Python.
   * 有人說安裝 10 分鐘後就可以開始專注於 coding 的 Python IDE。(舊版名為 IEP)
 * [[|Geany]]: ''"provide a small and fast IDE"'' ([[|to run on Mac]])
   * [[|Linux 程式開發用編輯器 - Geany - Tsung's Blog]](官方有提供 Windows binary 安裝檔)
 * [[|Light Table]]: ''"new interactive IDE that ... provides the real time feedback"'' 主打互動、立即得到程式回饋的 IDE。
myTurtle = turtle.Turtle()
行號 22: 行號 31:
=== 中大型 IDE ===

 * [[|PyCharm]]: ''"complete set of tools for productive development with Python programming language"''
 * [[|PyDev]]: Python IDE for '''Eclipse''', which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development. It comes with many goodies.
 * [[|Wing IDE]]: ''"IDE designed specifically for the Python programming language"''
 * [[|The Eric Python IDE]]: ''"...integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder."''
 * [[|Spyder IDE]]: Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
 * [[|NINJA IDE]]: ''"Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE"''
 * [[|Komodo Edit]]: ''"lean editor with a sleek interface"''

== 各平台的編輯器 ==
 * [[|IDLE]], [[|Notepad++]]
 * [[|Python Tools for Visual Studio]]

 * [[|TextWrangler]], [[|Textmate (商業軟體)]]
 * [[|Smultron 3.5.1 on (自由軟體版)]], [[|Smultron 官網&最新(付費)版本]]

Linux: [[|gedit]], kate

== 各別IDE/編輯器簡介 ==
=== Wing IDE ===

 * Professional
  * Commercial USD 245
  * Non-Commercial(students/teachers...) USD 95

 * Personal USD 45
 * Trial 版 10 天試用

=== PyCharm ===
 * 下載:
 * 版本與價格一覽:
 * Trial 版 30 天試用

== 其它 ==
 * [[|Canopy]]: an advanced text editor, integrated IPython console, graphical package manager and online documentation to EPD.

== 看起來沒有在維護了 ==

 * [[|Editra]]: ''"focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development"''
  * [[|Editra 一款由Python開發的免費程式碼編輯器 - 香腸炒魷魚]]
  * 相比如 NINJA 帶著許多 IDE 的特色,Editra 的功能確實較偏於基本的 Editor。

== 列表 ==

=== On Facebook ===

 * 2015-09-23
 * 2015-09-20
 * 2014-07-05
 * 2013-08-01

=== 其它參考 ===

 * [[|5 Best Python Code Editors (IDEs) 2017 -]]

||<tablewidth="100%" tablestyle="text-align:"> ||<style="text-align:center">Windows ||<style="text-align:center">Linux ||<style="text-align:center">MacOS ||
||[[Sublime Text|Sublime Text 2]] ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Wing IDE ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||PyCharm ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||PythonWin ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||PyScripter ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||Komodo Edit ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||SpyderLib ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Python Tools for Visual Studio ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||Ninja IDE ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Vim ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Emacs + Elpy ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Gedit ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Notepad++ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||Scite ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||Eclipse + PyDev ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||The Eric Python IDE ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Netbean + NBPython ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||
||Geany ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center">○ ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||Kate ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||TextMate ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||TextWrangler ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||
||IDLE ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||<style="text-align:center"> ||


 * [[|Python整合發展環境- 工作達人(Job Da Ren)]]
 * [[|Python Editors]]
for i in range(numCircles):
    x = random.randint(-width2,width2)
    y = random.randint(-height2,height2)
    radius = radii[random.randrange(0,len(radii))]
    color = colors[random.randrange(0,len(colors))]

import turtle import random

def drawCircle(myTurtle, x,y, radius, color):

  • myTurtle.penup() myTurtle.goto(x,y) myTurtle.pendown() myTurtle.begin_fill() myTurtle.color(color) myTurtle.end_fill()

colors = ['red','yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'gray', 'pink']

radii = [10,20,30,40,50,60]

numCircles = int(input('Enter number of circles:'))

width = 500 height = 500 width2 = width//2 height2 = height//2

screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(width,height)

myTurtle = turtle.Turtle() myTurtle.speed(0)

for i in range(numCircles):

  • x = random.randint(-width2,width2) y = random.randint(-height2,height2) radius = radii[random.randrange(0,len(radii))] color = colors[random.randrange(0,len(colors))] drawCircle(myTurtle,x,y,radius,color)


Python/IDE或編輯器 (上次是 61-223-106-232 在 2018-02-11 21:34:51 編輯的)